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Missões tripuladas em desenvolvimento pela NASA e SpaceX visam levar humanos ao planeta vermelho na próxima década.




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Make the student protagonist in the educational process through the use of the innate fascination with the spatial theme.

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​Our History


Em 2025, a humanidade retorna à Lua. A missão Artemis 2 levará astronautas ao nosso satélite natural pela primeira vez desde 1972.

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Ideia Space is an education startup that emerged in Brazil thanks to the perception of the low quality of Brazilian education, especially in areas related to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).


        To solve this problem, we created a teaching methodology that connects space and education, forming a transforming and social emancipating instrument. Our mission is to make the student protagonist in the educational process through the use of the innate fascination with the space theme.


           For this, we use the space as a means of connection to form a creative, hands-on education that encourages the analysis and resolution of problems through projects. In this sense, our methodology provokes and engages the student to identify a problem and try to solve it through the creation of a space mission and the construction of small satellites, empowering young people to take the lead in their learning process.


Ideia Space is an education startup that emerged in Brazil thanks to the perception of the low quality of Brazilian education, especially in areas related to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).


        To solve this problem, we created a teaching methodology that connects space and education, forming a transforming and social emancipating instrument. Our mission is to make the student protagonist in the educational process through the use of the innate fascination with the space theme.


           For this, we use the space as a means of connection to form a creative, hands-on education that encourages the analysis and resolution of problems through projects. In this sense, our methodology provokes and engages the student to identify a problem and try to solve it through the creation of a space mission and the construction of small satellites, empowering young people to take the lead in their learning process.

Público Alvo

Ideia Space is an education startup that emerged in Brazil thanks to the perception of the low quality of Brazilian education, especially in areas related to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).


        To solve this problem, we created a teaching methodology that connects space and education, forming a transforming and social emancipating instrument. Our mission is to make the student protagonist in the educational process through the use of the innate fascination with the space theme.


           For this, we use the space as a means of connection to form a creative, hands-on education that encourages the analysis and resolution of problems through projects. In this sense, our methodology provokes and engages the student to identify a problem and try to solve it through the creation of a space mission and the construction of small satellites, empowering young people to take the lead in their learning process.

Estrutura da Olimpíadas


Realização de workshops e palestras informativas sobre a temática como objetivo de estimular a inscrição de alunos.


Aulas sobre missões espaciais e construção de satélites com materiais de apoio online e aulas presenciais.

Construção de satélites

Elaboração da missão espacial das equipes, construção dos satélites e apresentação do projeto.

Avaliação e Lançamento

Seleção dos projetos que serão colocados para fazer um satélite real e lançá-la para o espaço. 

Detalhes da competição


​Duração mínima: 12 meses Duração máxima: 18 meses

Plataforma online com material didático


Modelo de satélite PocketQube (5x5x5 cm)


1 Kit de construção de satélite para cada equipe


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Ideia Space is an education startup that emerged in Brazil thanks to the perception of the low quality of Brazilian education, especially in areas related to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).


        To solve this problem, we created a teaching methodology that connects space and education, forming a transforming and social emancipating instrument. Our mission is to make the student protagonist in the educational process through the use of the innate fascination with the space theme.


           For this, we use the space as a means of connection to form a creative, hands-on education that encourages the analysis and resolution of problems through projects. In this sense, our methodology provokes and engages the student to identify a problem and try to solve it through the creation of a space mission and the construction of small satellites, empowering young people to take the lead in their learning process.

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Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.

"Nelson Mandela"

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